Saturday, May 26, 2012

"Heaven Can Wait" vs. "Gone With the Wind"

"Heaven Can Wait" came out in 1943 and stars Gene Tierney, Don Ameche, and Charles Coburn. "Gone With the Wind," staring Vivien Leigh, Clark Gable, and Leslie Howard, came out in 1939. Both are period pieces. Both are classics. But which one is better?

"Heaven Can Wait" starts with a man waiting at the gates of Hell. The man, Henry van Cleve (Don Ameche), tries to persuade Satan into letting him. However, before he can receive the high honor of entrance, he must tell Satan of how he tortured his wife (Gene Tierney) with his roving eye. This romantic comedy was nominated for 3 academy awards, including Best Picture, Best Cinematography, and Best Director (Ernst Lubitsch). However, the film had the untimely bad luck of competing with "Casablanca," not allowing it to garner all the recognition that it deserved.

1. Henry Van Cleve Here was a girl lying to her mother. Naturally that girl interested me at once.
2.  Henry Van Cleve [regarding How to Make Your Husband Happy] Don't buy this book. You don't need it. I'll tell you something more appropriate for you: Leave Your Nest And Fly Away With Me.
Martha (Gene Tierney) Well, I might buy that book too...
Henry Van CleveWell, we don't have it in stock right now... but I'd love to discuss the idea with you...
3. Martha If you don't change your attitude, I shall have to complain to your employer.
Henry Van Cleve I'm not employed here. I'm not a book salesman. I took one look at you and followed you into the store. If you'd walked into a restaurant, I would have become a waiter. If you'd walked into a burning building, I would have become a fireman. If you'd walked into an elevator, I would have stopped it between two floors and we'd have spent the rest of our lives there. Please forgive me but you can't walk out of my life like that.
4. Martha 15 years ago, when you and Grandpa brought me back from Kansas, I still didn't feel that you really beloned to me and only to me. I can't put my finger on anything definite, but still, whenever I wasn't with you I was always a little uncertain and nervous about my little Casanova. And then one day I noticed that you began to have a little, well just a little tummy. Then I knew I was safe. From that moment on I knew that you were really mine, that you'd settled down.
5. Henry Van Cleve As a man grows older, his medicine cabinet grows bigger.

The great quotes from this movie are ENDLESS. I could go on and on and on....

"Gone With the Wind" tells a very different story. "Gone With the Wind" centers around young Scarlett O'Hara (Vivien Leigh), who could choose to love any man in her vicinity but chooses Ashley Wilkes (Leslie Howard). When Ashley announces his engagement to his cousin, Melanie (Olivia de Havilland), Scarlett throws a tantrum which Ashley bears the brunt of and Rhett Butler (Clark Gable) secretly witnesses. As Scarlett tries to win Ashley back, Rhett begins to catch her eye; but can he catch her heart? The film won too many Oscars to count! 

The Best For Last!!!!

Quotes from "Gone With the Wind":
1. Scarlett Great balls of fire! HICCUP! It's Rhett!
2.Rhett Butler  No, I don't think I will kiss you, although you need kissing, badly. That's what's wrong with you. You should be kissed and often, and by someone who knows how.
3. Scarlett Sir, you are no gentleman.
Rhett Butler And you, Miss, are no lady
5.Rhett Butler How fickle is woman.
4. Scarlett As God is my witness, as God is my witness they're not going to lick me. I'm going to live through this and when it's all over, I'll never be hungry again. No, nor any of my folk. If I have to lie, steal, cheat or kill. As God is my witness, I'll never be hungry again.
5. Rhett Butler Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn

So, which one is best? Depends on your mood! If you're looking for a comedy full of clever dialogue and tricks, go with "Heaven Can Wait." If you're looking for a drama with passionate romances and betrayals galore, go with "Gone With the Wind."

One last thing- can you believe how gorgeous Gene Tierney and Vivien Leigh are?!!!
Gene Tierney



Vivien Leigh



Vivien Leigh and Laurence Olivier/ Lord and Lady Olivier

Gene Tierney and Oleg Cassini

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Masterpiece Mystery's: Sherlock is my new obsession hand down. The show modernizes Sherlock Holmes stories like A Study in Scarlet (original) vs. A Study in Pink (the show's version). The first and second season contain six episodes altogether which are each at least an hour long. The second season just ended and I now am rewatching the first season. It's wonderful! 5 out of 5 stars for sure.


Oh Watson! Bellow are some pictures of Moriarty, Sherlock's enemy:

And now for Sherlock's "archenemy," Microft (his brother)

Next comes one of the best characters yet: Irene Adler. The show made her a clever dominatrix with ties to Moriarty. She and Sherlock develop a crush on each other, allowing for some clever dialogue!

Just had to add this one in there!
Here are some great quotes from all the shows:

I'm Sherlock Holmes, the world's only consulting detective.
I'm not going to go into detail about how I do what I do because chances are you wouldn't understand. If you've got a problem that you want me to solve, then contact me. Interesting cases only please.
Sherlock Holmes: Mrs. Hudson, the landlady is giving me a special deal. She owes me a favor. A few years back her husband got himself sentenced to death in Florida. I was able to help out.
John Watson: You stopped her husband from being executed?
Sherlock Holmes: Oh, no. I ensured it.
The show pokes fun at Sherlock Holmes and John Watson's close relationship. This quotes sums it all up:
Sherlock Holmes: [John struggles to keep up with Sherlock as they flee handcuffed together] Take my hand [Grabs John's hand].
John Watson: Oh, people are definitely going to talk.

Sherlock Holmes: Sentiment is a chemical defect found in the losing side.
Irene Adler: Sentiment? What are you talking about?
Sherlock Holmes: You.
Irene Adler: Oh dear God. Look at the poor man. You don’t actually think I was interested in you? Why? Because you’re the great Sherlock Holmes, the clever detective in the funny hat?
Sherlock Holmes: No...[Takes her hand and leans in to whisper] because I took your pulse. Elevated. Your pupils dilated. I imagine John Watson thinks love’s a mystery to me, but the chemistry is incredibly simple and very destructive. When we first met, you told me that a disguise is always a self portrait, how true of you, the combination to your safe – your measurements. [Holds up her phone] But this, this is far more intimate. This is your heart, and you should never let it rule your head. [He starts entering digits] You could have chosen any random number and walked out of here today with everything you worked for. But you just couldn’t resist it, could you? I’ve always assumed that love is a dangerous disadvantage. Thank you for the final proof.
[She grabs his hand, desperate. Tears are starting to form]
Irene Adler: Everything I said. It’s not real. I was just playing the game.
Sherlock Holmes: I know. And this is just losing.
[He holds up her phone, having finally deduced her password. It reads I AM S-H-E-R LOCKED]

It's safe to say, I am definately Sherlocked as well:)

Moriarty: Every fairy tale needs a good old fashioned villain. You need me or you're nothing — because we're just alike, you and I. Except you're boring. You're on the side of the angels.

The culmination of events in Season 2 proved pretty intesne; it almost made me cry! This video makes me feel the way watching the last episode of Season 2 did and sums up Sherlock and Watson's frienship perfectly. Enjoy!

Monday, May 14, 2012

"Try A Little Tenderness"

Recently, I've Listened to a lot of Otis Redding's songs. The singer tragically died in a plane crash at the age of 26, but nevertheless left a legacy of great songs behind him such as: Try a Little Tenderness, Love Man, That's How Strong My Love Is, Sittin' on the Dock of the Bay, and Respect. His songs have been featured in over 160 soundtracks for movies, tv shows and the like. Here's a clip of Otis's memorable song "These Arms of Mine," that is in the movie "Dirty Dancing":
The movies "Dirty Dancing," "Casino," "Top Gun," "Love Actually," and "Pretty in Pink" all play one or more of Redding's songs. In "Pretty in Pink," the song "Try a Little Tenderness" touches on issues in Andie's life. It's one of my favorite movie moments of all time. Check it out:
In "Pretty in Pink," a young and inspiring high schooler named Andie (Molly Ringwald) encounters pessimism from rich kids that go to her school. Not being from "the right side of the tracks," Andie must learn how to battle their outbursts when she begins to date Blane (Andrew McCarthy), a member of the rich kid clan. However, with little support from her best friend, Duckie (John Cryer), and arguments with her father, how will Andie face the pressures that come with her new love interest?
The movie generated a following not only for its appeal to the misunderstood, but also for Andie's style. Andie's wardrobe reflects part of her unique identity and has catapulted her to a fashion icon. Take a look at some of Andie's outfits:

Haha, just kidding on the photo to the left: that's her friend, Duckie!

So why does Redding's song remind me of this movie specifically? The song enhances the movie; it helps make it special. It embodies Andie's cry for compassion that she needes from her father, Duckie, her boyfriend, and even her peers. Without the song, the movie could convey the same message, but the song really expresses one of the key ideas in the movie. It communicates some of the problems in Andie's life when key members in her support system (her father, her boyfriend, Duckie) abandon her. The movie can really help when you're feeling lonely and disappointed by people you care for.
Bottom line: Otis Redding and "Pretty and Pink" are both great. Check them out!
Otis Redding's Song Lyrics for Certain Songs:
"With you my life,
Has been so wonderful
I can't stop now
You are tired and your love is growing cold
My love is growing stronger as our affair grows old
I've been loving you a little too long, long"

"Looks like nothing's gonna change
Everything still remains the same
I can't do what ten people tell me to do
So I guess I'll remain the same, listen

Sittin' here resting my bones
And this loneliness won't leave me alone, listen
Two thousand miles I roam
Just to make this dock my home, now

I'm just gon' sit at the dock of a bay
Watchin' the tide roll away, ooh
Sittin' on the dock of the bay
Wastin' time"
Quotes from "Pretty in Pink":
1. "May I admire you again today? This is a really volcanic ensemble you're wearing, it's really marvelous!" Duckie to Andie
2. "I just want them to know that they didn't break me" Andie
3."You know you're talking like that just because I'm going out with Blane"Andie
"His name is Blane? Oh! That's a major appliance, that's not a name!" Duckie
4. "If somebody doesn't believe in me, I can't believe in them"Andie

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Nine To Five and My Last Profile Picture

Some of you may wonder about my former profile picture or even recognize it. If not, I can tell you who it depicts and the significance of that picture in my post.

The picture is of Jane Fonda in the movie "9 to 5," in which Lily Tomlin, Dolly Parton, and Dabney Coleman star. Jane Fonda plays Judy Bernly, a recently divorced and very naive woman who gets her first job workin for Franklin Hart (Dabney Coleman) aka. the sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot. Lily Tomlin plays Violet, a widow who works for Hart and has seniority over most people that work at the company while Dolly Parton embodies Doralee, Hart's secretary who faces Hart's sexual harassment on a daily basis. Put the three characters together and one wild night with a marijuana cigarette and you get a stomach ache from laughing so much! Dolly Parton's hit song "Nine to Five" originates from her work on this movie set. The video below plays the song and shows scenes from the movie:

This comedy holds a special place in my heart as it was and remains one of my favorite movies. My grandmother first showed me this movie and we watched it together often, making it something that I cherish greatly. The priceless characters and hilarious situations they find themselves in always makes me laugh, no matter what kind of day I'm having. If you're looking for a good laugh, this movie is definately for you.
Quotes from "9 to 5":
1. "Violet, it was an accident. "Judy
"I'm a murderer."Violet
"No, you're not."Judy
"I'm a murderess. I'm gonna go to the pen. My poor kids. I'm gonna lose my job."Violet
"Violet, stop this."Judy
"I'm no fool. I've killed the boss, you think they're not gonna fire me for a thing like that?"Violet

2. "And he's out of the shute ladies and gentlemen, he's out of the shute. The pen is open and that's a mean-looking bronc. Our next contender is Miss Doralee Rhodes. Whoa, she's already got him! Now, let's see how long it takes her to hogtie this sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot. Five seconds! Just five seconds! And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen, five seconds for Miss Doralee Rhodes."Rodeo Announcer

3."He's my boss."Judy
"Your boss? You're having an affair with your boss? Isn't that typical!"Judy's ex husband
"Just like you had an affair with your secretary!"Judy
"But, Judy, you can't do this! This isn't you!"Judy's ex husband
"Don't you tell me what I can or can't do! Those days are over! And if I want to have an affair, or play sex games, or do M&M's, you can't stop me!"Judy
"M&M's?"Judy's ex husband

4."Is that one of those marijuana cigarettes?"Doralee
"We don't have enough for everyone, cool it!"Violet

Amish Communities in Films

When I think of Amish communities, the first things that come to mind family values, home-cooked meals, religous traditions, and hardwork that all envelop these close-knit communities. Amish cooking=yum!

Today, I just finished the made-for-tv-movie "the Shunning," an adaptation of Beverly Lewis' bestseller of the same title. The film involves a young Amish girl who discovers secrets about her past that prompt her to question her identity; does she belong with her Amish community or the outside world? As her wedding day nears, she must chose whether or not to become the wife of a well-respected bishop, (now a widower) and also mother to his sons.

I will warn movie goers in advance; this film's ending prepares it for a sequel. Overall, good, but not my favorite movie based on Amish life; my favorite is "Witness!"
Out of five stars, the movie "Witness" has five stars. It contains all things a good movie needs: drama, comedic moments, forbidden romance, and creepy villains!"Witness" centers around a young, Amish widow named Rachel (Kelly McGillis) and her son Samuel. When the pair travel to the city, Samuel witnesses a murder and for their protection and his own, cop John Book (Harrison Ford) travels with them back to their Amish community. Book begins learning how to adjust to Amish life, but will he adjust to his feelings for Rachel as well as stay wary of the killers on their trail? The movie also boasts one of the most passionate kiss scenes of all time!

Out of the two, I recommend the movie "Witness" first, simply because its storyline is one of the best. So rent this movie when you need time to relax and enjoy!
Quotes that Help Make "Witness" memorable:
1. "Are you enjoying your reading?" Rachel
"Oh yeah. I'm learning a lot about manure. Very interesting"John Book
2. "Hi! We're just here for the day, would you mind..."Tourist Lady holding up camera
"Lady, you take my picture with that thing and I'm gonna rip your brassiere off... and strangle you with it! You got that?" John Book
"Did you hear what that Amish just said to me?"Tourist Lady
3."How do I look, I mean, do I look... Amish?"John Book
"You look plain."Rachel
4."He's leaving, isn't he? "Rachel
"Tomorrow morning. He'll need his city clothes."Rachel's father
"But why? What does he have to go back to?"Rachel
"He's going back to his world, where he belongs. He knows it, and you know it, too."Rachel's father